TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - CAS mayhem!
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Subject CAS mayhem!
Posted by DVDBURN (MD) on August 07, 2012 at 4:30 AM
  This message has been viewed 1549 times.
Message These are pictures I made when I took apart an old CAS I had lying around the garage. They show how the internal parts of the CAS are put together and also how it's almost impossible to take apart without causing some sort of damage. I called this post CAS mayhem and trust me, you'll see why :)

Front of the CAS showing the center plastic cover that covers the shaft bearing that's pressed into the housing.

One half removed to show a general view of what's inside.

Top view. The first thing I did was take out all visible screws.

The plastic bearing cover removed. Little did this poor CAS know what was in store for it, HAHAHA! Anyway, I thought, simple. I'll just put the housing in a vise and use a small socket over the bearing and knock it and the shaft out.

With that I'll jump to this picture. The two holes in the yellow circles have screws in them which hold that plate to the housing.

Here is a picture showing where the screws screw into the housing. Those screws are under the round black plastic part which contains the electronics.

Here again is a picture of the top view. Another thing I want to point out is that the electronic part is only held into the CAS by the three larger screws.

The next thing I did, and should have done in the first place but I didn't because the existence of the plate and screws under the electronic part was unknown, was to knock out the shaft from the bearing. This allowed me to remove the plate with the two screw holes. It was now known that this plate is used to hold the bearing into the housing.

At this point the electronic part is not held on by anything. It cannot come out because of the metal rotor disc that's riding between it's two halves.

The next thing was to get the rotor plate off. It's sandwiched between two collars which are held together with two screws. Only thing is, you can't reach the top of the screws due to the top bearing being in the way. With that, I put the shaft in a vise and removed the screws by grabbing the heads with a pair of pliers. If I was worried about damaging this CAS I surely would have taken different measures to protect the shaft in the vise.

Since the elctronic part was damaged, I cheated and removed it by siding it over the rotor plate by damaging the rotor plate and electronics a little more. I did this to get a better view of this. In this picture you can see the two halves of the collars. The half of the collar closest to the bearing is actually a lathed part of the shaft. The other half of the collar is slid over the shaft. To remove the removable part of the collar I put it in a vise and knocked the shaft through it using a drift punch.

The removable collar removed.

Another picture of the parts seperated.

Here is what it looks like between the two electronic part halves. You can see little slit windows where the photo transmitter and receiver transistors are mounted behind.

Another picture.

Here I have removed the metal plates with the slit holes to expose the photo transistors.

Another picture.

I believe that when they make the electronic parts they assemble the lower half leaving wires protruding up were they feed them into the top part when they screw the two parts together. Then they solder the wires to the board in the small top part and seal it in a plastic epoxy.

Another picture.

Hope this has been informative. Here is the carnage :)

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